Ruach Farms LLC

Vision Statement

«Breathing new life into communities and the environment through sustainable insect farming.»

Our Story

Livestock production accounts to 18% of anthropogenic greenhouse emission. Field agriculture uses more than 70% percent of the world’s current fresh water yet by 2025 1.8 billion people will not have access to enough water. Owing to these dynamic changes in our ecosystem, we found a reason to build our business.

Our Cause

Our business provides the perfect substitute for animal protein and inorganic fertilizers. We generate our cricket protein in an area of 100m2 which is equivalent to 100 ha of soy beans. We want to popularize insect farming for a circular and regenerative economy.

Our Approach

We rear crickets, Acheta Domesticus and larval stage mealworms Tenebrio Molitor. A tenth of our insect feed is covered by recycled food and byproducts from farms, breweries, cafeterias and restaurants. We close the waste cycle by repurposing waste heat, waste food and unused industrial food. Our byproducts and unsold products are converted and sold as organic fertilizer.